My team and I have helped doctors with new offices all over the country.
After working alongside hundreds of practice owners, we've seen some fail proof practice building concepts...concepts for dental office success!
If you've ever considered opening a new office, there are 5 Essentials you must consider.
# 1. Learn about the course that could change your life...and career.
The Startup Practice Blueprint course teaches dentists about the most important things you need to know for success. Click here to learn more.
#2 Read the 5 Essentials below.
My team and I have witnessed these in building a dental offices from scratch over nearly a decade. You can do this! (be sure you deeply think through #5…it could change the future of your practice)
...don’t be fooled
Startup Success may be simple...
…but it’s not easy.
I’ve witnessed specific key success factors among a few hundred practices over the year. There ARE commonalities.
But be forewarned.
There are no magic potions or guarantees. This will take hard work, a year of effort just to get to the day of seeing your first patient. And a determination to see it through.
Our most successful high level consulting clients know what they want and know who they want to serve. They're passionate and they're ready for practice ownership.
If you do this right, in each of the 13 Stages of opening your new office, you'll create a practice you can be truly proud of. You can make a big impact on your community. You can change lives. Make a great income. You'll take the best ideas from the best practices, you’ll be way ahead of the curve.
Remember the moment when you passed your boards?
Your pride of accomplishment was bursting our of you.
Now you have the 3 initials after your name and its official.
You may now introduce yourself with a title - what a transformative moment! Much of the path for the rest of your life was birthed right out of that moment.
Then it was time to get a job. An exciting new world, free of the stress from exams and instructors. The associate life would be temporary, you promised yourself. It would only be a matter of time until you would be in the driver seat and putting your concepts to the test.
You went into this wanting to own your own practice. Wanting to be in control.
Can you remember that?
Most often, associates tell me they're STILL students.
Students within their associating practice, learning the best tips and tricks in their employers’ offices in preparation of their future practice ownership; there own dental office success. It's a smart move! Learn from a seasoned, battle tested practice where you have a front row seat and a spot behind the curtain to see how the play is put on.
And now, they're ready for graduation again.
But this graduation will be from their associateship into ownership.
Well, what if you could look behind the curtain of hundreds of successful practices and borrow the best ideas from each of them?
How much could you be prepared if you could have interviewed and worked alongside 10 practices...before this next "graduation" into practice ownership?
What if you could learn from the top 50? Or 250?
With that kind of experience, you may be able to design the perfect practice by learning the key elements for dental office success, owner satisfaction and patient health, right?
...Well, that’s exactly what I want to share with you.
Don’t believe the hype about “x” number of magic steps to make it a success. That’s a bunch of crap. If you could magically create massive profits with some 8 step "formula" you’d never see practices looking for new patients, and you’d never have to participate with insurance companies.
But thats not reality.
The point?
The point is that building dental office success isn’t as easy as a few little steps.
We’ll look at 5 Essentials for doctors opening up startup practice. There are thousands – but these 5 stand out in all dental office success stories and are the best of the best aspects to focus on as you build your practice from scratch.
So without any further ado, the most proven, most tested and biggest results yielding dental practice success steps are…
1.) Location:
Choose your location wisely - this starts with analysis of demographics (see my blog post on demographics to see the 12+1 crucial demographic data for dentists –considering any town without these may leave you struggling for new patients indefinitely)
2.) Team:
Choose your “Practice Project Team” well – this includes an unbiased advisor who will guide you through the entire process, the best dental attorney, accountant, realtor, equipment guy, lending partner and dental-specific construction firm.
Each of your “Practice Project Team” members must be lead by someone who has dozens and dozens of successes. That person must represent you and only your interests while managing all the vendors on your behalf.
And if you don't?
If you don't, you'll lose control.
The startup process is risky and expensive if its not done right. You can't afford to lose control of this process.
Some vendors may not fully understand your vision. They may recommend you make purchases that don't represent your vision. They may tell you to sign for real estate that they "think" would be a good idea.
How will you know if you have the right team? Your unbiased advisor will vet them.
Just imagine if you had a patient come in to the practice and say they've assembled their own lab, periodontist and they're going to tell you which implant system needs to be used. How likely is it that each of those people will be able to treatment plan their case?
YOU act as the unbiased advisor for your patients.
Your new offices needs an unbiased advisor as part of your Practice Project Team. This is critical to your dental office success. Expect nothing less or you will get something much less.
3.) New Patients and the Compelling Offer:
Before patients know you, they need to be compelled to come visit your dental office. Will you
What kinds of patients are you most satisfied serving?
What kinds of procedures do you prefer?
Some of our clients know they'll include IV sedation. Others are focused on the family. Some want a mix of surgical cases and perio.
If you know what you want, you'll be able to create the right compelling offer to attract those patients.
And if your practice is in the right location, you'll be positioned to bring those patients abundance.
This is why we guide doctors through the Ideal Patient experience.
In the Ideal Patient experience we define, plan for and attract the best patients who meet your vision. This process is covered extensively with our high-level consulting clients and in the Startup Practice Blueprint.
There are plenty of dental office success stories with high integrity and minimal PPO influence who collect over a million dollars just a few years after opening day. But in order to produce any dentistry, you need patients to come to your practice.
You could attract "any" patient, but would you prefer more of your Ideal?
What if you had a practice full of patients you loved seeing everyday? This happens all across the country!
But they must be defined, revealed and pursued through the Ideal Patient experience properly. And if you do, you'll be able to focus on them and attract them well.
They won’t come unless you can compel them and there are effective ways to do this as you build your new patient marketing plans.
4.) Leadership from YOU:
The onus is on you. The buck stops with you. Your team needs your vision.
Vision requires that you have a destination, a direction and standards. Decide what those are for you in each category in your practice and your team will thrive!
Leadership is not complicated but it does require planning, preparation and communication…and if you can do that consistently with your team, you will reach incredible levels that you could never reach alone.
Here is a practical tip for leadership that you should use even before you make your first hire:
Prepare a written statement of your values for patient care.
This should include what you stand for as you serve patients in your new practice.
Share those with the interviewee during the interview.
If your statement of values for patient care is thorough and complete, you'll be able to tie all staff behavior back to that document.
For example, have you ever had a staff member use a cell phone when they shouldn't? Ever see a staff member show up late? Your statement of values will stand as level of care that your team pursues everyday. Cell phones during patient hours probably don't fit that level of care. Tardiness probably doesn't fit those standards.
By using something as simple as a statement of values (even as early as during your hiring process) you're able to lead the team.
They need your leadership.
Your patients need your leadership.
And you can allow your values to steer.
Be clear on your values as early in the process before you make your first hire!
5:) Insurance Partnering:
Insurance Partnering could be one of the least discussed but most highly successful strategies for your new practice.
There is a way to for your practice to win with insurance companies and patients. It’s possible to have all 3 parties win (practice, patient, insurance firm) but the right discussions need to take place as you look for the location of your new dental office.
The result is higher compensation, more new patients and a grateful insurance company. Imagine that.
We’ll have a blog post on this in the next couple of weeks. Don’t miss it – it could be the transformative dental office success tool to take your new practice to the next level.
If you're interested in learning even more about the proven Startup Practice Process, you need to explore the Startup Practice Blueprint.
Request an invitation to the high level course here.
Find out more and discover your practice potential when you start from scratch in your new office!
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