Of the hundreds of new patient growth tools out there, cell phones hold the most power now…and likely will for years to come.
Below, you'll find 6 specific ways you can increase new patient flow by using simple tools that patients use with their cell phones.
Your practice growth could rocket ahead if you do these things right.
I noticed this on Mother’s Day…when we finally convinced my wife to upgrade her phone.
Lisa’s New Phone
Why is this big news for YOUR practice?
Setting: Mothers day (4 years ago)
Jayme: Tell mommy to open it!
The kids couldn't wait for my wife to open the box...
Lisa: Wow. Its nice. But why do I need such a huge phone??
I’m about to tell you something that might change everything about new patient growth in your practice.
Be careful about reading more…your perspective on the potential for new patient growth in your practice may change forever..
Lisa and I try to be wise with our money – and sometimes upgrading a phone that your wife doesn’t want upgraded ends up falling to the bottom of the list. The average person in America gets a new phone every 24 -30 months. Lisa seems to have no interest.
But this year, I’ve watched her oogling the calendars and maps of her friends phones!
Plus, the kids want to play games!
So for Mother’s Day, we got her a new Samsung Galaxy S5.
The Amoses catapulted from a phone with a slide keyboard up to a phone with more tech than NASA had in 1990 – all on a Sunday morning!
HERE is the perspective you need to see through the lens of your patients' perspective. if you tap into this massive shift in our society you'll tap into more new patient growth than you can handle:
Lisa's social life, our 2 kids’ lives and our family are all coordinated on her phone now (with a calendar you can be on).
In order to be relevant to patients like Lisa, your practice must show up in this dominant tool called a cell phone (all other trusted, prioritized things in her life now work their way into her phone...will your practice?)
Her “life coordination tools” are there.
Her important relationships intersect in that phone, everyday.
Is your practice in that intersection for your patients??
Of course, we’ve all felt this day coming, when cell phones coordinate life for us.
But now, of crucial importance, your practice must engage in this. Because even Lisa and I are letting those tools rule our life coordination.
At blazing fast speed, patients are jumping in to WILLINGLY have their lives fully managed by the tech in their hand.
What are you doing about it?
Will your new patient growth tap into this new reality?
6 Genius Ways Cell Phones
Drive New Patient Growth for Your Dental Practice
Use this checklist.
Ask yourself, “does my practice get new patient growth with …”:
Patients typically want to engage with you and your dental team.
They want a relationship with you.
If you connect with them on their phone, you’ll take a big step forward in deepening your relationship and your trust with patients in meaningful ways.
-- How did you do on the checklist?
-- How will you use these tools for new patient growth?
Email me your results and I’ll put the results in the next newsletter!
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