Did you see our video from last year about dental office signs?
Click Here to learn in our original video why a boring sign can be great:
In our video from last year, you’ll see the original, old brown sign…and you’ll learn why I recommend having a sign like it!
In this Video You’ll:
Learn the Dental Office Sign Rules: 3 Good and 1 Bad Dental Office Sign
Rule #1
Use the word Dental or Dentistry
This sounds obvious but I assure you that too many practices don’t do this!
Its shocking to me how obvious this is and how confused prospective patients can become if you miss this rule.
Rule #2
Accepting New Patients
Watch the video and find out why this is crucial for your sign.
Rule #3
Dental office signs need the phone number
Even more important than the size of your name on the sign, is the size of your phone number
Rule #4
Website. Prospective patients WILL visit your website before they come in person.
Capitalize on this reality and use your URL on your sign.
Watch the video and find out which of these 4 Rules for Dental Office Signs was done poorly.
One of the Most Popular Posts of All Time:
And if you want more great ideas about signs, read one of our all time most popular blog posts:
Did you get a copy of the report on the 13 Stages to Open a New Practice?