He’s absolutely brilliant and we know it, which is why we make sure to get you on the phone with Stephen, our Director of Consulting, as soon as possible.
Your Vision Call, is one of the first big steps you’ll take as our client. This is a 2-3 hour planning and strategy session that is not only life changing, but has been described as a career-defining moment by many of our clients.
Imagine taking your entire project, and setting it up like a chess match - but with a championship chess player in your corner.
Stephen is that championship player, and will help you map out the right strategy, plays, and positions while analyzing every piece that’s in play. We’ll talk real estate and demographics, discuss timelines and how to negotiate with vendors, we’ll even look at your financing options...all of it.
By the end of the call, you may even find yourself having moved several of those chess pieces forward, while maintaining total alignment with the customized strategy that he's created in order for you to realize your unique vision of startup practice ownership.
With Stephen by their side, even doctors with zero business experience begin to see a clear path to practice ownership. The chaos and noise vanish, and a plan that creates a practice you can enjoy and be proud of begins to emerge.
Watching Stephen take the complexities of a startup, create clarity, and then break it down into bite sized actionable steps is like watching a master at work. He’ll take the noise, confusion, and overwhelm that's been keeping you stuck, and replace it with proven strategies, systems, and procedures - all while tailoring them to fit your vision and specific needs.
With well over 573 dental start-up’s under his belt, Stephen has seen it all and possesses both the experience and the expertise necessary to make your dream of practice ownership a reality, unlike the noisy online opinions who give advice about things they’ve never done successfully.
Our clients are high achievers. They know how to get things done, and aren’t afraid of putting in the work. With a little direction, and the right tools and strategies they'll no doubt take over the world. Pair them up, like Ideal Practices does, with a Championship player like Stephen, and they’ll do it with less stress, and in half the time.
When you consider the 30,000 ft view Stephen brings to the table, combine it with his years of experience, and seemingly infinite wisdom, it’s no wonder our clients fulfil their dream of practice ownership simply by following the step by step strategy he customized for them on their Vision Call. He sees clearly when no one else can, makes sense of things almost immediately, and trouble shoots with such precise logic, problems become hiccups instead of roadblocks…
A strategist like Stephen is hard to come by, knowing this, I made sure I not only hired him as our director of consulting at Ideal Practices, but invited him to be a partner at our firm as well. I wanted the same brilliant mind that was problem solving and strategizing for our clients to help spearhead the growth and trajectory of my company.
I told you I assembled the best of the best in my last email didn’t I?
Next week I’ll introduce you to Mike, our Inside Man, who spent years in the banking industry. We’ll take a peek behind the curtain with the guy who knows the in’s and out’s of startup loans, who’s going to show you how to get the best loans, and how to have the banks begging to work with you… You’ll be in total control when it comes to lenders, and you’ll have Mike to thank for it. You don’t want to miss hearing Mike’s story, how he became a part of our dream team, or how his unique set of skills can help you on your way to practice ownership.
Talk soon,
Jayme AmosC
EO Ideal Practices