“The construction company just sent me a change order Jayme, the flooring they'd quoted me $1,200 for is now $11,000!!! What do I do?”
This wasn’t the first time I’d received a message like this from one of our doctors, and after talking it over with Stephen we decided we’d had enough of it. Change orders are a sneaky common practice among equipment and construction companies and thanks to Dr. Erick’s message, we were once again, painfully aware of it.
These construction companies send someone out to the site, and without informing them, give doctors a quote based on what they call baseline pricing. This number is always much lower than what their actual quote would be, and lures the unsuspecting doctor into a contract with them. By the time the you realize what’s happened, you’re weeks if not months into your project. When your trapped like that your options include delaying the build out, renegotiating, or trying to find a new company to work with. Those are all bad options and they put doctors in an impossible situation, but this is all too common. Sadly, most doctors just take the price gouge on the chin while the contractor knew what was going on the entire time.
The more we looked into and researched this, the more we realized this was an industry wide problem. It turns out, these companies actually take courses designed to teach them how to write these baseline price proposals. Determined to make things right, we set off on a mission to find someone who knew the industry from the inside out. We’d managed to find a bank insider, now we needed a construction and equipment negotiation specialist.
Stephen and I left no stone unturned when we went searching for the person who would guide our doctors through these negotiations. We wanted someone who would know baseline prices when he saw them, who would be able to call companies out on their sneaky tactics, and who would know what to do and who to call if things weren’t on the up and up.
With over 30 years of experience with dental construction and equipment, and over 1000 construction site inspections under his belt, we knew Cliff was our guy.
He was the top dog in the industry when we found him, but had developed a distaste for the “sell, sell, sell” mentality the companies demanded of their employees. He’d been looking for a way to transition into consultative role where he could be 100% unbiased to protect the doctors interests, which is exactly what we wanted him to do for us at Ideal Practices.
It was a match made in heaven.
Since joining our team, Cliff has been able to successfully guide our doctors through their negotiations with equipment and construction companies, help them prevent common issues, protect them from unfair price changes and avoid costly mistakes and delays. As a matter of fact, Cliff just shared with me last month that after reviewing a contract, he’d been able to save one of our clients $30,000 by simply making a 30 second phone call.
But what is even more interesting than the savings is watching the construction companies jump to attention when Cliff gets involved. With his level of experience, he makes it look easy. It impresses me every time.
As he negotiates with the companies, he recommends those of highest quality, who are in alignment with our doctors' vision, and always operate with the highest degree of integrity.
Cliff was determined to “Make things right” for doctors who have been price-gouged by the industry when he decided to join Ideal Practices...and “make things right” he has…
We call Cliff the Wise White Wolf. In the animal kingdom, this wolf is the only mammal known to hunt and bring back, not scraps, but the choicest meat for his pups, and also stand guard at the entrance to his den protecting his pups.
With Cliff standing guard over your project, protecting your funds, and making sure you have the highest quality equipment and vendors at the best prices, surprises like the one Dr. Erick got about his flooring are a thing of the past for our clients. Because he’s so protective of our “pups”, Cliff takes the time and goes out on site - in person - to walk through and inspect every nook and cranny to make sure things are as they should be. With more on site checks under his belt than most construction companies have even built out, you want this guy on your side.
Since joining our team, Cliff has transformed the way our doctors negotiate with both equipment and construction companies. He knows when you’re getting the run around, when you’re being taken advantage of, and when you’re dealing with someone who has your best interests - and not their own pocketbook - in mind.
You’ve now met Stephen our Director of Consulting, Mike our Inside Man, and Cliff our fiercely protective White Wolf. If you have questions, or would like more information about any of them, or about how my dream team can start working on your startup practice, hit reply and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. These emails are coming straight from me, so I’ll see your message and reply to you personally.
Next week I’m going to introduce you to John, affectionately known as the Dental Floorplan Picasso, so keep an eye out for my email... This creative genius has created more than 4000 dental office floor plans in the span of his career. My bet is, he’s the guy you’ll want designing the floorplan of your dreams for you and your patients.
Talk soon,
Jayme Amos
CEO Ideal Practices