
Picasso of Dental Flooplans...Doesn’t Do Boxy & Boring

Written by Jayme Amos | Jul 22, 2018 10:12:30 PM

As we began helping more and more dentists open their startup practices, we realized we were watching our client’s dreams come true.

These doctors have a dream they’ve been holding on to for years, they’ve envisioned their grand opening, their staff, their layout and their patient relationships more times than they can count. This office, their practice, must reflect who they are, what they see themselves doing in their community, and be aligned with the vision they’ve held in their mind for so long.

Much of the happiness experienced by our clients relates to a practice designed perfectly for them. Like a custom piece of art, a floorplan-design will balance aesthetics and function. You will walk into this space everyday so a custom solution that lasts is what doctors want.

Enter John, our Dental Floor Plan Picasso.

John is our lead floor plan designer, and has designed well over 4000 dental floor plans in his career. He is easily the most artistic person on our team, and is tremendously talented. It fascinating to watch him take the specific piece of real estate a doctor has chosen, their clinical vision, financial vision, and personal vision for the space, and create something that embodies it all beautifully.

There are so many things to consider when designing a dental office floor plan…

  • What are the ideal dimensions for each zone?
  • How much natural light do you want?
  • What procedures will you offer now?
  • What procedures do you plan to offer in the future?
  • What balance creates a clean, modern, comfortable space?
  • How to balance size with future growth?
  • Which design will make your practice different and profitable?
  • What clinical equipment needs are right for the space?
  • What are ideal ceiling heights for your dental office?
  • How will your design balance efficiency and elegance?
  • Which flow pattern prevents bottlenecks for your philosophy?

The first time I watched John work his magic, I was spellbound. He asked questions I never would have thought to ask, like "are these sight lines what you want in your reception area?" He studied the doctors initial choices and pointed out potential problems, like “lets stay away from thick grout lines, they look great but you'll want to make sure you have a smooth surface your stool can roll across easily without getting stuck.”

He manages to turn a boxy, boring, draft of lines on paper, into a work of art that captures the essence of the doctor who will, no doubt, spend most of their time providing care to their patients in those treatment rooms.

Your dreams, values, and vision for the future are discussed in detail, and sketched out masterfully in John’s highly customized design. We call him Picasso, not only because of the artistry he brings to the table, but because his floor plans are one of a kind masterpieces.

Have you ever closed your eyes and imagined what your practice might look like? If you have any questions, or would like more information about how John, and the rest my dream team can get the ball rolling on your project, hit reply and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. These emails come straight from me, so I’ll see your message and reply to you personally.

Receiving messages from dentists on the day of their grand opening saying things like, “I’ve dreamt of this day my whole life”, “I never thought this would happen”, and “this is a dream come true” is a dream come true for me. At Ideal Practices we’ve worked tirelessly to find and assemble the dental practice start up dream team, and have created an easy to follow, proprietary 13 step system to get you and your startup from idea to grand opening.

Here’s to your grand opening,

Jayme Amos
CEO Ideal Practices