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#1 Simplest Dental Recall System – In 30 Seconds

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here  

The #1 simplest dental recall system
is so darn easy, many practices overlook it.


But you won’t…not after you learn this technique and begin applying it with all the ease and simplicity that great ideas should have.


All growing dental offices need new patients.


dental recall systemNext to attracting new patients, the MOST important issue is keeping them.

Patients MUST be rescheduled – everytime – or you risk losing in many, many ways.

This is why your new practice must have a rock-solid dental recall system.


We teach this to clients and now you get to use this technique for free.

(want more great ideas for new patients? Read this article about the power of “new” for new patients)


Deadly = A Weak Dental Recall System

Imagine investing a huge amount of money in an anniversary cake for your mother’s dental recall systemnext big birthday bash. This will be the one where you let her know how much she’s done for you.


Weird analogy?


But hang with me.


The cake will be the crowning moment of the event.

You spend a TON of money on a cake that should make the event one to remember forever.

But before the cake can be cut, someone notices mice burrowing in the side of the rich, fluffy icing. Then the mice are seen dashing in and out of the cake – during the party!

The cake is ruined.

The moment is spoiled. The opportunity is lost.

Your mother will still love you. But the event will be scarred. Much has been lost.


It’s like that with new patients in your new practice.


Your new patients are like the cake.

New patients will make it “in” to the event of being in your practice.


But without a solid, stable dental recall system, it doesn’t matter how many new patients you attract.

If your new practice doesn’t have a strategic plan for reappointing patients, it will be lost moments, lost opportunity, lost money.

Don’t let the cake OR the new patients spoil.

A proven dental recall system will give you success.


Below, you’ll discover the #1 simplest dental recall system…


Consider the Disaster if you Get This Wrong

Some call it Recare. Others call it Recall. Hygiene. Reappointing.

Call it what you may but regardless of the title, a weak recall system is lethal for practice profitability.

dental recall systemNearly all restorative profits are found in the hygiene room – and dental recall systems will bring patients back to that room for you.

The doctors who neglect this stand on a crumbling business foundation. They face financial ruin and business failure for the practice.

Create a rock-solid dental recare system and you’ll have dramatically higher levels of success through your first year.


You must get this right.

This is particularly true for new practices.


The Easiest Way To Begin…

The School Calendar Method

The easiest way to begin is with a technique we teach to all new practice owners.

It’s called the School Calendar Method and it works like magic for every patient – regardless of having kids in school.


Can you guess what paper is sitting on this front desk?

dental recall system







This is the front desk of one of our clients who has been using this oh-so-simple dental recall system.


The paper on the front desk is a copy of the LOCAL SCHOOL SCHEDULE.

This is GENIUS!


Don’t be like some of the “stuffy” doctors out there who say this is too simple to be good.

It’s so simple it’s fantastic.



There are 2 main objections patients have to scheduling a recare visit:

1)      Don’t know what they’re doing in 6 months

2)      Don’t have a calendar


Don’t know what you’re doing in 6 months?

Here, look at the local school calendar.


Don’t have a calendar?

Here, look at this calendar.


PREDICT their question. Then SCHEDULE.


It’s a dental recall system fueled by the simplicity of keeping a local school schedule on the front desk.

dental recall systemBy keeping a copy of the local school schedule laminated on the front desk, your team will get right passed the 2 main objections.

And they’ll make sure all your new patients come back in 6 months.




Extra Bonus:

When you have a school calendar on your front desk, the practice feels more connected to the local community.

It’s subtle. And Powerful.

And you don’t need to sit on the local school board to look like you matter in the community!


For Moms:

Ask your current staff how many moms try to schedule their next prophys around the school schedule. Many parents will even put off agreeing to their next appointment until they can check the school schedule.

And maybe they should – working around kids, jobs, games and other family events is hard work. Ask any mom like my wife. It’s pretty dang tricky.


For Every Other Patient:

Everyone lives with calendar realities.


Use this simple dental recall system technique and watch your new patients schedule their 6 month visits with ease.


dental recall systemIf the patient leaves the office without a 6 month visit, the reappointing task becomes exponentially harder.

Some new patients may never come back if we don’t schedule then right then.


Don’t let this happen to you!



Protecting Your Huge Investment

Typical new practices will spend $25,000 - $50,000 PER YEAR attracting new patients (marketing, website, social media, advertising, training staff).

If you bring them in as new patients, you MUST have a simple, easy-to-use technique that works.

And brings them back in 6 months.

This is why we need a dental recall system that’s easy and proven.


We teach this to clients and now

You can use this beautifully simple strategy on Day 1.


Training for Your Grand Opening

Be 100% sure that the team who helps you open your new office considers topics like this when they help train your team for your grand opening.

When my team comes on site for your grand opening day, we train the team on topics like this that will make your practice a huge success, providing for you and your family. We’ll help set you up with a practice you can be proud of and build confidently toward your future.



Read our publication about opening your new practice here: Grand Opening – The 13 Stages



Jayme Amos