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Expenses and Numbers – Which Matter Most in Your Practice?

By Jayme Amos.  Get free updates of posts here

Clinical skills got you here. Can numbers carry you another step forward?  

In practice ownership, there are few things that matter more than a right-sized perspective on numbers. I once heard it said that, if your practice can’t pay to keep the lights on, you won’t have a practice…no matter how perfect the anatomy looks on that restoration. 

This week, in our first podcast,  Bob Gray, Co-Founder of the Academy of Dental CPAs shows the most important numbers in your practice so you can enjoy your practice at its highest level. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • About a write off from family members that could reshape your future (and no, it’s not putting them on the payroll)
  • Which “Speedometer” in your practice is most important
  • The 1 simple tool you can use today, for free, to increase profitability
  • How to avoid the Overhead Error with discretionary expenses
  • 3 easier ways to make good business decisions in practice 

Listen now to our first podcast! 

Reshape the numbers in your practice for a bigger future with more clinical and financial freedom.

Jayme Amos