By Jayme Amos. Get free updates of posts here The 2nd Most Expensive Dental Budget Killer is......
Earn an EXTRA $150,000 Per Year just by having the RIGHT Dental Floor Plans
Floor Plans can give you a choice:
- A choice to save $30,000.00 in construction costs OR
- The chance to produce an extra $150,000 per year
In today’s podcast you will hear why “The Picasso of Dental Floor Plans” says WHEN to save $30,000 in your floorplan and be glad that you did.
In Today’s Podcast you will learn:
- How you can create your own “Man Cave” for your main operatory
- When spending an extra $30,000 in construction is a great investment
- What the clinical standards are for dental operatories
- What the ADA reports the average operatory yields in revenue per year
- What you will be giving up if you miss specific clinical aspects to your floor plan
If You Have Ever Considered Opening a New Office and Want a Floorplan that is Best for You AND Patients, then Reserve Your Access to Dentistry's First Free 3-Part Educational Floorplan Design Rules Online Training! Click here now!