Higher Fees than PPO Negotiation for STARTUP Dental Offices When opening startups, new practice...
StartupMBA: Learn the Business of Dentistry
If you’re anything like the hundreds of dentists we've helped here at Ideal Practices, you’ve likely been dreaming of opening your own practice from the moment you sent in your application to dental school…
Understanding those dreams, the kind that live deep in your soul, isn't something just anyone can do. Actually, we believe it takes someone with a passion that rivals yours to help bring that dream to life, which is why we were thrilled when we met Michelle.
An Olympic bound gymnast, Michelle woke up and found herself on life support and in a hospital bed after suffering a debilitating asthma attack. All too familiar with the 3D’s required to pursue your dreams: Discipline, Dedication, and Determination, and not one to give up, Michelle took her hard won discipline, dedication, and determination and created a whole new life for herself in the dental industry.
Unable to return to her previous job after her medical issues, she found herself working in practice management where she quickly fell in love with the business of dentistry and the doctors who practice it. She understood on a soul level the amount of hard work these doctors had put into perfecting their craft, and watched helplessly as they struggled with running their businesses… Dental school had well prepared them to be dentists, but had completely neglected to teach them the actual business of dentistry. But even worse, she saw startups suffer as they would open their doors without business systems or team training made for the needs of a startup practice.
Something had to be done, and she was going to be the one to do it.
Figuring out the very specific business needs for startups - and bridging the learning gap for associates who didn’t have formal business experience became her sole purpose. So much so that she was sought out to build a startup dental curriculum for a nationally recognized bank, and now spearheads our StartupMBA program here at Ideal Practices.
Michelle knows what it’s like to want something with every ounce of your being, to have worked and trained for years, and have to put it aside. I think it’s one of the reasons she’s as passionate about helping the dentists we work with see their dreams through to fruition. Dentistry became her lifeline on what could have been her deathbed.
When it seemed all hope was lost, dentistry offered her a place to reinvent herself, find purpose, and channel her passion for making dreams come true… Now, she’s become the lifeline for associate dentists who are ready to tackle the business of dentistry, open their startup practice, and make their dreams a reality.
Think you might benefit from completing your StartupMBA? Hit reply and let me know what your biggest concerns are when it comes to opening, managing, and growing your own practice. These emails are coming straight from me, so rest assured, I alone will see your message and reply to you personally.
Our Ideal Practices team really is the dream team you want by your side when opening your dental start up. We’ve sought out and recruited the best of the best. We have the highest level strategy, an inside man at the biggest dental banks in the nation, a fierce negotiator when it comes to equipment and build out, the Picasso of dental floor plans, and the woman who created the StartupMBA.
The amount of knowledge and experience our team has collectively is staggering, and we want nothing more than to put it to work for you, in order to help make your dream of practice ownership a reality.
What do you say Doc? You ready?
Let’s do this!
Jayme Amos
CEO Ideal Practices