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The 3 Things Dentists Fear Most About Starting Their Own Dental Practice

Taking any new risk in life is scary. Taking the risk of starting up your own dental practice? 

Even scarier.

Luckily, you’re not alone in your fears. Let’s go through the top 3 fears dentists have when it comes to starting up a dental practice:

  1. Having to make all the decisions on their own

You’ve got dental insurance, financing, equipment, payroll and so many more decisions to make when you own a dental practice.

The beauty of owning a startup is that you get to create your vision. Sometimes, the beauty of being able to make all the decisions can also be a beast.

  1. A lack of guidance

All the dentists you know work at existing practices. All the business owners you know work in other industries. How are you supposed to know what you’re doing?

This fear is a big one. When you haven’t seen someone go through all the steps and processes you’ll have to go through, opening up your own practice can seem like a shot in the dark.

  1. The fear of what you don’t know

The scariest fear of all may be the fear of the unknown. 

If you know what to look out for, you can at least prepare for it. If you have no idea what issues and situations may arise as a dental practice owner, well - you may go so crazy you pull out your own teeth!

The bottom line is that you’re not alone.

We’ve been there, and we had the same worries. The difference? You don’t have to face them alone. 

When you team up with Ideal Practices, you don’t have to guess (and then second-guess) on your decisions.

You don’t have to go through this process without guidance along every step of the way from people who’ve actually done it before.

Most importantly, you don’t have to fear the unknown. We’ll teach you the things you don’t even know you don’t know!

Take it from two successful dental practitioners that worked with us throughout their journey:

“I remember sitting down towards the end of the build-out phase getting ready to open and having to go through decision after decision, and I couldn’t imagine doing that without coaching and guidance. I can’t even imagine the number of mistakes I would’ve made. That was a big fear-driver for me - the fear of what I don’t know.” -Dr. Ben

I didn’t really know many people personally that had done a startup…I come from a long line of dentists … they’ve all acquired practices. I couldn’t find this incredible practice that I have now, that I knew was possible to create, and Ideal Practices helped me create it. It wasn’t Ideal Practices vision, it was my vision. They helped me realize it, asked me the questions, and brought it out of me in a way that I couldn’t even have done for myself.” -Dr. Bryan

Want to hear these practitioners talk even more about overcoming their fears with Ideal Practices? Check out the full interview below.