By Jayme Amos. Get free updates of posts here Dental Office Signs
Dental Office Signs; Look It’s Boring!
By Jayme Amos. Get free updates of posts here
Dental Office Signs...Boring is Better?....Really?
Remember my comments on boring dental office signs in my last post? (If they are)
It seems I am always keeping my eye out for interesting signs to reference and sure I was driving home the other night this sign caught my eye. If you will notice this dental office sign has three important elements: their phone number, their practice name and the fact that it is a dental office.
That's it!
Now granted, maybe the color scheme could be a updated, maybe they could add a banner or icon letting traffic know that they are a top dental practice in the area, but the point to the video below is to show you that boring dental office signs get the marketing response that signs are supposed to give.
Take a listen and let me know what you think...